Expanding global linkage in photography

Tim Barber is an American born, Canadian educated, photographer living and working in New York City. In 2005 he created Tinyvices.com, an online gallery aimed at showcasing the work of emerging photographs and artists from around the globe. It functions as an online gallery, community publication, editorial project and archive. Allowing these young artists to showcase their work creates a venue with an engrossing personal perspective despite the fact that it is online.
Anyone is able to submit images to the site regardless of location, education, or intent. Barber has been quoted to say he “wanted to create a simple, accessible and almost neutral venue to show stuff – my own and others.” Every type of image can be found on this site, from intimate snap shot moments to highly technical landscape photography. This site has even begun publishing books of its contributors as well as organizing several shows around the world. This site is an integral piece of stimulation to artists entering the ever-expanding global linkage of artists working in similar mediums. It allows unprecedented visual material for others to be inspired by and thus create their own work with.
Gordon Nicholas